At Best Mulch we are here for you during the harsh winter months to help home owners and contractors alike to help clear the way during the toughest snow falls and ice storms. During winter, we stock many types of de-icing salt, salt blends and calcium to help cut through the snow and ice. We offer bulk salt, which is kept under a covered bin to ensure you only get the driest salt available, we also offer pallets of de-icing salt as well as CMA blended salt which is great for concrete and sidewalks, and calcium when available. We strive to provide our customers with not only excellent service and speedy loading and delivery during our normal hours, but we also provide expended hours before and after our normal business hours during critical times such as snow storms and freezing temperatures. We do our best to keep everyone updated through social media such as Twitter and Facebook, and also have a text list you can sign up for to get alerts when we will be loading and extending hours.

Bulk De-Icing Salt (Sold by the ton)
Bulk salt is used on road ways and parking lots, it is to be used in salt spreaders by contractors to tackle multiple jobs and cover more area with little down time. It is not recommended for homeowners to purchase. Our salt is kept under a covered bin to ensure you are getting the driest salt possible so your salt spreads with ease and helps prevent it from freezing inside your spreader. Our loaders are equipped with on-board scales and can provide you with weight slips to ensure you are getting what you've paid for.

Bagged Rock Salt (50lb bags)
Ideal for treating large areas when rapid melting isn't required. While not corrosive to concrete, it can seep into porous concrete and cause damage by expanding and retracting in a refreezing / thawing cycle. Can effectively melt snow and ice at temperatures as low as 25⁰F.
Provides fast ice melting
Melts down to 25⁰F
Provides added traction under car tires
Note: Product, brand and packaging may vary

Bagged CMA Blend Ice Melt (50lb bags)
A salt with Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA) coating is best for side walks and other concrete and paver applicates because it has a lower freezing point than regular de-icing salt. CMA blend will not freeze until after -25 degrees which helps prevent sidewalks and pavers from popping and cracking. Optimal crystal variety creates traction to help prevent slips and falls. Helps reduce ice and snow buildup with pre-storm application. Formulated with calcium chloride, sodium chloride, and CMA. Rapidly begins melting ice and snow as soon as it's applied. It's highly visible color makes application precise and easy, and eliminates the risk of over-spreading.
Helps prevent sidewalk and paver popping
Resists clumping and spreads easily.
Starts melting right away. Usually a high visibility color
Reliable performance
Effective melting down to -25⁰F
Note: Product, brand and packaging may vary